Inkscape 0.92.1
Inkscape is a professional vector graphics editor for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It's free and open source.
More Info:
Download for 32-bit Windows versions
Download for 64-bit Windows versions
Download Bachin Maker Tool plugin.
Bachin Draw use SVG file to draw image, cutting. Inkscape is a nice tool to create SVG graphics file.
Inkscape have a GCode plugin can create .nc file used for the Candle CNC controller program.
Install Inkscape & Bachin Maker Tool
Download Inkscape, download version 0.92, 32bit or 64bit are both fine.
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Download, unzip it
Open inkscape install location
Locate {Inkscape Install Folder}\share\extensions
Copy all files into [extensions]
Run Inksacpe, our tool is in the Extensions Menu.